
The Art of Auspicious is one of Poh Kong in-house gold jewellery brand which showcase a series of well-crafted masterpieces designed with Fengshui elements. The Collection uses premium quality gold and A-grade jadeite incorporate with meaningful designs, definitely adding a symbolic touch to your individual style. Each year the collection will be refreshed with new additions.

吉祥首饰系列是宝光自家金饰品牌,每件产品都含有风水的含义,经过手工精致的师傅的打造下,每件产品都栩栩如生。这吉祥首饰系列是由高品质黄金与 A 级玉而制成再添上不同祝福的设计。每一年,吉祥首饰系列都会添加新的产品。


2016 Monkey Year Collection

Malaysia's largest jewellery retail chain, Poh Kong, specially presents their golden luxurious Auspicious Collection series in various meaningful designs, bringing you an auspicious Year of the Monkey.

Golden Delights Series - The Golden Delights series offers a wide selection of jewellery, including the highly exquisite Shining Riches that features the blooming peony flower and the popular charms from the Golden Delights series are filled with auspicious connotations. You can also choose to wear these intricate charms as pendants.

Abacus of Prosperity Series - The Abacus Ring and the Apple Abacus Pendant each has their own unique significance. The abacus with six rows of beads on the Abacus Ring symbolises accumulation of wealth, while the six beads that flank the abacus are made of natural A-grade jade, enhancing the wealth of the bearer. The Apple Abacus Pendant is shaped like an apple with the abacus as its core, with the apple signifying peace and the abacus for abundance of wealth.

Auspicious Monkey Series - The Auspicious Monkey series is specially dedicated to the Year of the Monkey, featuring the intelligent Rising Ambitions monkey and the Abiding Harmony monkey which are both worn as pendants. The Rising Ambitions pendant is a little graduating monkey symbolising success and career achievement, suitable for children as a gift of blessings.

That's not all, there are also the Bountiful Gold & Jade series, Prosperity Packet, Five Element Rings, Auspicious Number Pendants and other alluring series, all with auspicious significance that will make the Year of the Monkey your lucky year.


金喜连连系列有各式各样的首饰,其中“富贵荣华”拥有非常贵气的设计,全以盛开的牡丹花为设计主轴。金喜连连系列中的 charm吊饰也非常受欢迎,每一款都有着新年的吉祥意义。精巧细致的吊饰,也可作为吊坠两用。



除此,还有“金玉满堂系列”、“贺岁红包”、“五行元素戒指”以及“吉祥数字吊坠” 等系列,都是具有吉祥意义的首饰,增添您的运气指数。



2015 Ram Year Collection

Poh Kong launched its 2015 Auspicious Jewellery Collection in conjunction with Chinese New Year - The Year of Ram.

The Bountiful Triumph collection feature a series of Ram inspired jewelry such as Soaring Prosperity pendant and bangle where the lamb torso are filled with Chinese ancient coins and the Rising Ambitious pendant which was specially designed for children and for those who wish to excel in their studies.

New additions such as the Knot series have been added to the popular Golden Delights Charm collection. The charms can be worn as a pendant or as a charm on a bracelet. Each charm carries an auspicious meaning, which will add a symbolic touch to your personal style.

The Peak of Harmony Gold Coin and Multiplying Prosperity Silver Coin are the new addition to Zodiac Coin Series. The coin set is suitable to be given as a gift and it is also ideal for discerning investors and avid collectors. Time to accessorize yourself in this auspicious year of Ram and discover more collections!

宝光在 2015 乙未羊年推出了多样吉祥贺年饰品。其中包括了由黄金和玉打造而成的贺年首饰,每一件都凸显旗下打金师父的精湛手艺和设计师的无限创意。

得意洋洋系列是以绵羊作为主角,当中有 “财气飞扬” 手镯和吊坠以古钱打造羊身结构,寓意过个丰收年代表富贵与平安。才华洋溢吊坠是以考生为设计对象。头上带着一顶毕业帽的羊,就是预祝你在羊年考运顺,当领头羊。

金喜连连添加了新系列例如好人缘首饰。它可当吊饰佩戴或以 Charm 佩戴在手链上。每一个 Charm 都含有吉祥的意义,让您轻易搭配出个人品味。“瑞羊开泰” 纯金金币和 “喜气洋洋” 纯银银币是配合羊年推出的两款生肖钱币,适合送礼或珍藏。




2014 Horse Year Collection

Prance into the Year of the Horse with prosperity and fortune!

Poh Kong commemorates the Year of the Horse 2014 with the release of its Auspicious Collection featuring glittering masterpieces based on the themes of Gallant Steed of Fortune, Gold and Silver Coin, Abacus of Prosperity, Bountiful Gold and Jade, Golden Delights and Prosperity Pixiu. Usher in the cheer of the Lunar Year with these magnificent jewellery pieces that ensure a prosperous and auspicious year ahead.

骏马报喜鸿运至,甲午扬威福运临!宝光 2014 甲午马年吉祥首饰系列,分别以 “骏马报喜”、“生肖钱币”、“算盘聚宝”、“金玉满堂”、“金喜连连”及“旺财貔貅”等系列为主题,务必让您旗开得胜,过个马到成功的盛世太平年。



2013 Snake Year Collection

Once Upon A Time with Poh Kong

Poh Kong teams up with A Jack Lim Production; A Silver Film - Once Upon A Time, the highly anticipated Chinese comedy film to produce a special jewellery colletion.

The jewellery collection features The Magnificent Emperor Jade - a gold plated silver resting on a natural Grade A jade, which will be featured in the movie. Poh Kong has also produced a limited edition snake motif gold pendant collection which resembles each of the lead cast of the movie Once Upon A Time.


宝光与 2013 年最受瞩目的贺岁猛片 “林德荣制作:小华电影 — 皇宫灿烂” 携手合作,推出了一系列 “皇宫灿烂” 的周边产品。

这一系列的周边产品包括“皇上上上玉”吊坠,“皇宫灿烂卡通肖像蛇” 吊坠和 “皇宫灿烂财运通金卡”。“皇上上上玉”吊坠的造型,是卡通肖像小金蛇 “皇上” 附在天然 A 级玉玉翠环上。“皇宫灿烂卡通肖像蛇”吊坠,以皇宫灿烂主角人物作为设计构思。“皇宫灿烂财运通金卡”上,皇宫灿烂卡通蛇主角一字排开,缤纷可爱。



2012 Dragon Year Collection

Chinese dragons traditionally symbolize potent and auspicious powers. Since ancient times, dragons have been a symbol of power, strength and good luck.

Poh Kong is pleased to introduce its 2012 The Art of Auspicious Jewellery with dragons as the main design motif. Poh Kong 2012 The Art of Auspicious collection encompasses Jade Gourd & Gold Jewellery, Dragon Pearl’s Gold Jewellery, 2012 Gold & Silver Coin Set, Fortune Gold Jewellery, Abacus Wealthy Gold Jewellery, Pixiu Wealthy Gold Jewellery and Fortune from Heaven Gold Jewellery.

在龙的传人心目中,龙始终是不可撼动的精神图腾。数千年来,龙,已成为中华文化凝聚和积淀之吉祥物。有鉴于此,宝光 2012壬辰龙年吉祥首饰系列,遂以龙作为设计主题,欢庆 2012 壬辰龙年。

宝光 2012 壬辰龙年吉祥首饰系列包括 “葫芦金玉首饰”、“龙珠黄金首饰”、“金银币纪念礼盒”、“特色黄金首饰”、“财运算盘黄金首饰”、“貔貅黄金财运首饰” 和 “鸿福齐天黄金首饰”。