916/22k Auspicious Treasure Trove Peony Necklace

916/22k Auspicious Treasure Trove Peony Necklace

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半月形的吊坠承托着一朵靓丽的牡丹花,纹饰清晰立体,尽显工艺之美。下摆的流苏分别挂上 “福”、“禄”、“寿”、“喜”、“财”小金牌,好运汇聚一身!《富贵牡丹》吊坠蕴含着福寿安康、财禄高升的祝福,长辈若收到这高贵吉祥的首饰,肯定笑逐颜开。

Showcasing a half-moon-shaped pendant that supports a striking blossom of peony, with clear and three-dimensional decoration to boast an ultimate realm of craftsmanship. Small gold medals bearing the Chinese characters “Prosperity”, Fame”, “Longevity” , “Delight”, and “Wealth” are hung on the tassels to grab all those good fortunes. Treasure Trove Peony Necklace, a piece of meaningful jewellery for the elderly, would undoubtedly make them glowing grins to cherish the joyous events.